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Rendezvous was founded in 1985 by Robert Slack, Jr., Stephen "Snow Bear" Taylor and Darry Wood. They began the gathering to preserve and promote indigenous primitive skills like making white oak baskets, foraging for wild food, starting fire by friction and tanning deer skins with brains and smoke. The three founders eventually invited their Cherokee friends to come share their living traditions of baskets and pottery, weapons and music. From these elders they learned many wonderful things, not the least of which is about being both humble and good-humored.


Check out this PBS video from 1998 about Traditions of the Cherokee

Traditional Cherokee teachers Amanda Swimmer, Eva Bigwitch, and Walker Calhoun are featured, along with Rendezvous founders Darry Wood and Bob Slack Jr.  Some of the filming was at a Rendezvous!


Many instructors come to 'Rendezvous' to teach us ways an incredible array of skills.  We make fire, which is the basic tool we use to light and heat our camp, cook our deer, harden our clay pots, straighten our blowguns and a long list of essential things. We make incredibly functional and beautiful tools, from stone & bone, wood and steel; shelters and musical instruments; cordage and felt; traps and snares; atlatls and spears; bows and arrows. We practice stalking and tracking skills, primitive fishing, native fiber arts, belly dancing and so much more. For over 30 years, we have convened this modern village, with people coming from all across the United States and other countries as well.  During each day, one may wander the camp and find over a dozen instructional sessions going at once; then at night, there are glorious campfires, with story telling, singing and dancing. 


Check out this PBS video from 1998 about Earthskills

Folkways Season 200, Episode 203




Rendezvous was founded in 1985 by Robert Slack, Jr., Stephen "Snow Bear" Taylor and Darry Wood. They began the gathering to preserve and promote indigenous primitive skills like making white oak baskets, foraging for wild food, starting fire by friction and tanning deer skins with brains and smoke. The three founders eventually invited their Cherokee friends to come share their living traditions of baskets and pottery, weapons and music. From these elders they learned many wonderful things, not the least of which is about being both humble and good-humored.

Timeline (working draft)


Unicoi State Park
Bob Slack Jr., Darry Wood, Snow Bear Taylor

October of 1985 the first "Earthskills Workshops" weekend was held at Unicoi State Park with about a dozen participants. 


Spring of 1990 decided to expand to Wed-Sun and call the spring event the "Rivercane Rendezvous" in honor of the nice stand of rivercane on the property and of rivercane basketry taught by Eva Bigwitch.  The fall event became longer as well and became "Falling Leaves."  Rendezvous lived at Unicoi for 16 years.


Hot House

Darry Wood, Snow Bear Taylor, Kalisa Taylor

Bob Slack Jr. retired from working at Unicoi and the event moved closer to Hayesville, NC.  The Hot House site was also known as the Horse Pasture.


Gorges Music Park
Snow Bear Taylor, Russell Cutts, Fuz Sanderson, Seamus Trostle

Darry Wood stepped down from leadership and Russell Cutts stepped up.  Russell initiated the transition to nonprofit status and drafted the mission and bylaws.



Fuz Sanderson, Seamus Trostle, Vered Kleinberger, Clint Corley

Fuz, Seamus, and Vered stepped into leadership.  Big developments in worktrade.  Long-time home at Smokey's property.



Seamus Trostle, Clint Corley, Aura Morris, Sara Callaway

Clint stepped up and developed Youth Programs for Rendezvous.  Aura Morris came on board and led the event for many years, developing many other staff roles to make organizing more sustainable, as well as stabilizing our financial situation.  Sara Callaway stepped up to keep things going in a good direction.

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