Financial Transparency

Staff Pay
RR 24 paid staff roles included: General Coordinator, Financial Coordinator, Site Manager, Worktrade Coordinator, Instructor Coordinator, Assistant Instructor Coordinator, 2 Event Cooks, Youth Program Coordinator, First Aid Manager, Equity Program Manager & BIPOC Liaison, Pre-Event Registrar, and On-Site Registrar. 13 Total Paid Roles
Instructor Pay
FLR 23 included 44 instructors with various pay rates, all included here. Also included in this category are costs for hosting the online class registration site.
Site & Equipment Rental
Avalon site rental, 2 golf carts, 15 porta johns with 3 services
Financial Fees
Eventbrite ticketing fees, Square, Paypal, Wells-Fargo
Event Kitchen Food
Food purchase cost - feeding 350 folks 5 meals
Insurance, Yearly Costs
Event insurance, website, accounting/taxes, infrastructure purchases, postage, supplies, training/continuing education
Site management supplies, first aid supplies, printing and copying, meeting snacks/discretionary
Youth Program
Stipends for 15 youth staff, supplies for youth programs
Stipends for 4 worktrade crew leads and 1 worktrade cook, food purchases for worktrade meals, fuel/vehicle use compensation, repair fund, gifts for worktraders
Income = $63,313 in ticket sales and store purchases. $1,907 in Equity Fund Donations. Total Event Cost = $58,035.
Reserving $5,278 for buffering upcoming site rental increases, increases in food and supplies costs, planned infrastructure purchases, and savings to meet budget if ticket sales don’t go well.
Financial Transparency

Staff Pay
FLR 23 paid staff roles included: General Coordinator, Staff Treasurer, Site Manager, Worktrade Coordinator, Instructor Coordinator, 2 Event Cooks, Youth Program Coordinator, First Aid Manager, Equity Program Manager & BIPOC Liaison, Pre-Event Registrar, On-Site Registrar, and Evening Events Coordinator. 13 Total Paid Roles
Instructor Pay
FLR 23 included 46 instructors with various pay rates, all included here. Also included in this category are costs for hosting the online class registration site.
Site & Equipment Rental
Avalon site rental, golf carts, porta johns and handwashing stations
Financial Fees
Eventbrite ticketing fees, Square, Paypal, Wells-Fargo
Event Kitchen Food
Food purchase cost - feeding 350 folks 5 meals
Insurance, Yearly Costs
Event insurance, website, accounting/taxes, infrastructure purchases, postage, supplies, training/continuing education
Site management supplies, first aid supplies, printing and copying, meeting snacks/discretionary
Youth Program
Stipends for 13 youth staff, supplies for youth programs
Stipends for 4 worktrade crew leads and 1 worktrade cook, food purchases for worktrade meals, fuel/vehicle use compensation, repair fund, gifts for worktraders
Income = $64,539 in ticket sales and store purchases. Total Event Cost = $56,661.
Reserving $7,878 for buffering upcoming site rental increases, increases in food and supplies costs, planned infrastructure purchases, and savings to meet budget if ticket sales don’t go well.