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Equity Fund

Welcome to the Rendezvous Equity Fund! Each year we raise money at our events to help promote diversity in the earthskills movement. The purpose of the ERI Equity Fund is to increase the accessibility of Rendezvous' events to people with systemic/systematic access disadvantages. A systemic disadvantage is a condition where there is something in the system itself that gives someone or something an advantage over others. Systematic is a condition where someone or something gains an advantage over others because they are doing things in a specific way.


While many of us are challenged by modern culture, there are groups of people who have been profoundly effected by these kinds of disadvantages and inequalities, and that is who this fund was created to support. Included in these groups (but not limited to) are Black/African American folks, American Indian/Native American/Indigenous folks, Hispanic/Latino(a) folks, Asian Americans, other People of Color, and refugees.


Equity Fund program purpose statement

To increase the accessibility of Earthskills Rendezvous' events to people with systematic access disadvantages, in order to:

  • Help ERI better reflect the general population diversity

  • Provide a free and supported ERI experience for those who could not come otherwise for reasons including financial hardship

  • Serve as a bridge for recipients to become regular attendees and part of the ERI family

  • Expand the pool of potential work traders, instructors, staff members, and leadership council members

  • Encourage interest in earth skills/outdoor education in participant home communities.


Apply for the Equity Fund using this form.  


Equity Fund Application

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